South FIRST FRIDAYS presents ArtwalkSJ + The 12th Annual SubZERO Festival
First Friday, June 7th from 7–11pm
SoFA District (& beyond) downtown San Jose
RSVP on our event page here.
The South FIRST FRIDAYS Art Walk is a self-guided, nighttime tour through galleries, museums, and independent creative businesses featuring eclectic art exhibitions and special performances.
All Art Walk venues are FREE admission & great for all ages.
Anno Domini // the second coming of Art & Design – 366 South First St. map

On view: DUAL DUEL international group exhibition
The dualistic nature of being is something we are born into. From the moment we are delivered in to this material world we struggle to see ourselves as anything but separate from all that we perceive. So if conflict is inherent in the act of comparison, how does one look out at the world and find harmony? Is it even necessary? It’s something our artists, philosophers, authors and poets have contemplated through the ages.
DUAL DUEL is an amazing group show of over 20 artists that were asked to pick an artist of their choosing to collaborate (or combat) with on a work of art. Some artists chose someone dear to them, while others chose an artist they always admired but had never met. And in some cases, the lead artist worked with someone they respect, but never seem to agree with. The exhibit is a palpable swirl of creative forces emitting the true nature of harmony and opposing forces.
Participating artists: Ken Davis x Ellen Murphy (US), Tomas Ives x Alejandro Mono González (Chile), Leon Ka x Socatoba (Spain), Klone x Assi Meshullam (Israel), Denis Korkh x ZeroCents (US / Israel), Travis Lawrence x Drew Roulette (US), Joseph Loughborough x Mark McClure (UK), ManOne x Victor Sepulveda (US), Pablo Martîn x Florencia Fernandez Frank (Argentina), Yasushi Matsui x Kelly Tunstall (US), Poesia x Sam Rodriguez (US), Jhovany Rodriguez x Dario Cruz (US), Satterugly x Play is Soul Food (Mexico), William Schaff x Mike Egan (US), Kevin Earl Taylor x Gianluca Franzese (US), Jessie Rose Vala x Kelie Bowman (US), Jake Watling x Mahtab Watling (US), Derek Weisberg x Shaun Roberts (US), Ian Wilkinson x Dale vN Marshal (UK), Yoshi47 x Ferris Plock (Japan / US), Zero Cents x Qingru Hu (Israel / China), Zezao x Zeh Palito (Brazil)
Art Ark Gallery – 1035 South Sixth St. map

“Diaspora In Bloom”
Focusing on the Assyrian experience, over 30 works of art will be assembled in a variety of media including – photography, painting, video, posters, and graphic design. The exhibition offers a fresh approach to understanding this ancient culture and addresses universal themes of identity, community, diaspora, and cultural continuity.
Participating artists: Atra Givarkes, Esther Elia, Rabel BetshmuelCurators: Akadina Yadegar, Nardin Sarkis
Gallery Suha Suha – 45 E. Williams St. map

“@ South Bay 2” by Suha Suha
Come and see our funny digital photography featuring South Bay neighborhoods “@ South Bay 2” show. Share your San Josean/South Bay pride!
KALEID gallery – 88 South Fourth St. map
Closed this evening… look for many of our artists out at the SubZERO Festival.
MACLA Movimiento de Arte y Cultura Latino Americana – 510 South First St. map

Join MACLA on Friday, June 7th for the First Friday opening of “Unicorns, Aliens, and Futuristic Cities”—the exhibition explores the work of artists: Claudia Blanco, Veronica Rojas, Michael Menchaca, Javier Martinez, Stephany Sanchez, Jorge Gonzalez, and James Canales all of whom use science fiction and fantasy to reveal the nuances of history, culture, and the Latino identity.

In the DMC Studio:
Youth Art and Culture Featuring artists: Emma Rheams, Anouk Yeh, Giko Wave, and Rohnny Vallarta.From 7pm – 8pm watch poets and musicians perform and check out art work produced by DMC Studio artists.

In the Castellano Playhouse Theater: Pan Dulce
Ajayu is a Bay Area musical band based on the traditional native sounds of South Central and North America. Mixed and fused with a contemporary sound of rock and Latin rhythms, they create a psychedelically unique mix of sounds that incorporate andean flutes (zampoñas and quenas), strings (charango), bass, electric guitar, and drums. Move with us!
Phantom Galleries at Culinary Corner Bistro – 321 South First St. map
PhantomGalleries at The Pierce – 2 Pierce Ave. map

On view: “H2OInkArt” new works by Wilbur Hurley
Hurley’s minimalistic abstract paintings are the splendid results of using the least amount of materials to offer a wide range of expression.
Wilbur started his art career in a rather unusual way; through art therapy provided by the Veterans Association in 2009. Since then he has cultivated his own style through exploration and a lot of mess. Wilbur thanks his friends and family for their continued support.
Hurley will be present to give you a personal tour of this exhibition on First Friday from 7–11pm.
San Jose Museum of Quilts & Textiles – 520 South First St. map

Stone Portraits and Sacred Stonescapes: Denise Labadie
Denise Labadie creates portraits of Celtic megalithic stones and monoliths, and more recent monastic ruins. These stonescapes – stone circles, standing stones, dolmens, burial tombs, abandoned churches, forgotten cemeteries, and lost-in-history portals and passageways – are both timeless and evoke deep remembrances of human pasts largely forgotten. Labadie’s quilts are known both for their surprising emotionality, large size and, from a construction standpoint, their hand-painted fabrics, textures, color gradation, shadowing and perspective, depth of field, craftsmanship and technique precision.

H2Oh! with Studio Art Quilt AssociatesWater is everywhere: the majority of the earth’s surface is covered by water, and more than half of the human body consists of water. Offering a variety of artistic interpretations, H2Oh! draws on a well of beauty, reverence, and contemplation as it invites viewers to consider the importance and the impact of water. H2Oh! is curated by Bay Area artist and environmentalist, Linda Gass, and co-organized with Studio Art Quilt Associates.

Kristen Martincic: Swim Club
Kristen Martincic uses swimwear as a surrogate for the female body, creating paper bathing suits that are a cross between a swimsuit and an underdress, skin and clothing. Social conventions and context play a significant role in how these garments are viewed by others and ourselves. These delicate paper suits talk about the awkwardness of vulnerability and exposure while maintaining a sense of levity.

The Marbaum Collection: Variations in Techniques
This selection of quilts from the museum’s permanent collection celebrates a generous gift of eighty-seven art quilts donated in 2017 by Marvin Fletcher and his late wife Hilary, in honor of the museum’s 40th anniversary. The entire collection, acquired by the Fletchers over four decades, represents a chronological look at the studio art quilt from the early 1980s to the present. The works in this exhibition highlight the great range of techniques quilt artists have incorporated in their work, including meticulous piecing and hand dyed fabrics to create the illusion of three-dimensions, painting on fabric, the use of recycled materials and digital design.
Works San Jose – 365 South Market St. map

“Keyframes” sjsu animation/illustration 2019
Visit the two-night closing party of Keyframes with South First Fridays and SubZERO. In animation, the word keyframerefers to the defining drawing of a sequence. A sequence of keyframes defines the movement and story the viewer will see, and the position of the keyframes on the film, video, or animation defines the timing of the movement. While the term originates from the days of traditionally drawn animation, “keyframe” is a universal term used in stop motion, 2D animation, visual effects, and 3D animation. Sixty-three animators, modelers, storyboard artists, and visual development artists show defining moments from their student careers that will help guide their first steps into the professional entertainment industry, making these, essentially, their own keyframes. Visit Works and then our button booth to make your own wearable art for free at SubZERO!
Caffé Frascati – 315 South First St. map

Downstairs Gallery:
“Fūrinkazan” by Quan M. Chu, a Bay Area freelance concept artist and illustrator taking inspiration from history, fantasy, fables and fairy tales.
This series is based on the battle standards used by the Daimyo, Takeda Shingen. It quoted four phrases from Sun Tzu’s Art of War – “As swift as a wind, as fierce as fire, and as unshakable as mountain.” – Looking deeper, I found that there are a total of 6 phrases instead of 4, with the addition of “as mysterious as the shadow and as fast as lightning.” In any war time, each battle required much training, practice, planning, and preparation. You only had one chance to get it right. As history shows, sometimes it was a great victory, and others, a bitter defeat. If you survived, you must accept the fact, learn from it, and keep going. Adopting that ideology, my artwork includes 6 pieces depicting those ideas of wind, forest, fire, mountain, shadow, and lighting. Each was done in ONE shot, no scrap, no revision, and I as an artist had to forbid myself from scrapping it. I improvised as I went and had to accept it as it was. Calligraphy done with the help of Haruka Sato.

Upstairs Gallery:
“Urban Landscapes” Semi abstract cityscapes depicting the ever changing skyline of California cities by Belinda Lima
I am drawn to the skyline, bridges, and buildings of big cities. I was born in London, England and have always loved visiting London and the big cities of Europe.
My show “Urban Landscapes” features abstract and semi abstract cityscape paintings of California. Although my paintings are not realistic, the viewer will certainly recognize the skyline of San Francisco and San Jose. The show also includes some of my more abstracted urban paintings where my intent was not to depict a particular location but to give the feel of an urban city.
Belinda Lima was born and raised in London, England where she received a Bachelor of Science in Medical Laboratory Sciences. In 1989 she immigrated to California with her husband and two sons. Shortly after that, she began her studies in art. A current Bay Area resident, she exhibits her work and paints full time. Collage and mixed media is the medium of her choice.

First Fridays is Caffe Frascati Opera Night presented by First Street Singers, with the Bay Area’s finest opera singers performing your very favorite classical arias and duets live in the cafe! for the South FIRST FRIDAYS Art Walk.
SJSU Muse Night at Hammer Theatre – 101 Paseo de San Antonio map
Closed this evening.
SoFA Market – 387 So. First St. map

Sean Boyles @ SOFA Market
Video game controllers, Mechagodzilla, Darth Vader, nunchucks, the Cyclorilla, spray paint, cats, and sketchbooks.
Studio Climbing Gym – 396 South First St. map

New “San Jose Journals” by Gianfranco Paolozzi
Gianfranco’s works are considered “journals” because they are never finished until they are sold. In this way, Paolozzi’s work is ever-evolving… until it is yours; once you have it, it is completely evolved…or…back in the studio they go where they continue to be added to or edited.
The works also have no “correct” top, bottom or sides when it comes to hanging the work. Paolozzi designed the frame with hardware so the collector can hang a piece in any orientation they’d like. Use your imagination.
The 12th Annual SubZERO Festival
SoFA District (S. 1st Street between San Carlos & Reed streets)

Focused on emerging and present subcultures thriving in our region, SubZERO is a DIY, artistically bent, hi/lo-techno mashup where street meets geek. Come downtown on June 7th & 8th to San Jose’s SoFA District from 6pm ’til midnight for an inspired evening of arts & culture. In addition to the South FIRST FRIDAYS monthly art walk you’ll find over 100 artists, performers & musicians celebrating the indie creative spirit!
#AllHail the Progenitors of Culture
Join us on Facebook ArtWalkSJ
The South FIRST FRIDAYS Art Walk is produced by Two Fish Design in partnership with the participating art organizations and independent businesses.